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Tuesday 27 August 2019

Learn About The New Age Ways To Erect Retaining Walls

Do you desire to have an attractive retaining wall for your Bunbury home? Although most people use garden pavers to create patios, driveways and other landscaping elements.

Building retaining walls used to involve loads of hard work. It is a tough ask to make the proper angle needed so that the wall does not collapse and building a stacked stone wall is like assembling a large puzzle. However, with the advent of interlocking pavers, it is now no longer impossible for inexperienced handymen to quickly create strong and attractive retaining walls. Special interlocking stones have been created specifically for building interlocking retaining walls in Bunbury. When the pavers interlock, the wall is automatically set back at the proper angle to avoid over stressing the wall. Of course, homemakers also still use concrete and brick pavers to create stacked retaining walls. Interlocking retaining wall pavers can also be used to create attractive matching step risers. Making a stepping stone walk way is probably the most popular use for garden pavers. Stepping stones are easy to lay down in tight spots.

One can set pavers into a place one at a time instead of digging up the entire area as you would have to do if you were laying walkway. Stepping stones can be used separately as well. Although you can use standard concrete or brick pavers as stepping stones, concrete stepping stones with a pebbled surface give people who are stepping from paver to paver added traction. No matter which pavers you choose, do not forget that the project you create with them will be the foundation for your garden and a backdrop for your plants.    

Friday 16 August 2019

Advantages Of Retaining Walls And How You Can Make Full Use Of It

The walls that certainly add an element of beauty to your home are the retaining walls. However, they are also quite expensive. They also require a significant investment of time. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that you spend enough time and effort into the deliberation phase before proceeding with the construction. You must ensure that you are getting the right retaining wall for your home.
One of the things you have to take care of first is to hire the right agency for retaining walls in Bunbury. Hiring the right contractor can take away a lot of worry. You can rest assured of getting a wall that perfectly suits your requirements and makes your home look better than before.
Here are a few more things that you need to know before getting a retaining wall constructed.

The Wall Must Suit Lifestyle
Generally, retaining walls are considered to be utilitarian in nature. People think that their only purpose is to prevent soil from rolling down. However, there is no reason why you cannot incorporate them into your living space. In fact, they can actually look beautiful when done correctly. They can give your home or the space a visual uplift. In fact, you might even be able to transform the space for multiple uses. Therefore, think of your lifestyle and how a retaining wall can be created to benefit it.

Be Creative
Retaining walls Bunbury can actually be quite versatile. There is no need to stick to a straight line. You can add a few curves to the wall and make it look more interesting. It will even add texture to an otherwise boring and bland landscape. There are several other similar kinds of design aesthetic elements that can be incorporated. Ask your contractor about the possibilities open to you.

Implement Terracing
Another way by which you can make the retaining wall more interesting is by using terracing. This involves stepping up the retaining wall in order to reach the higher slope. You should make sure that this is done in increments. Make sure that a slight offset has been taken into account for each course change. Done correctly, your retaining wall can look quite interesting.